Lujendra Ojha

Here is my CV


40. Benjamin Fernando, Ingrid J. Daubar, Constantinos Charalambous, Peter M. Grindrod, Alexander Stott, Abdullah Al Ateqi, Dimitra Atri, Savas Ceylan, John Clinton, Matthew Fillingim, Ernest Hauber, Jonathon R. Hill, Taichi Kawamura, Jianjun Liu, Antoine Lucas, Ralph Lorenz, Lujendra Ojha, Clement Perrin, Sylvain Piqueux, Simon Sthler, Daniela Tirsch, Colin Wilson, Natalia Wjcicka, Domenico Giardini, Philippe Lognonn, W. Bruce Banerdt. A Tectonic Origin for the Largest Marsquake Observed by InSight. Geophysical Research Letters, 2023; 50 (20) DOI: 10.1029/2023GL103619

39. McEwen, A. S., S. Byrne, C. Hansen, I. J. Daubar, S. Sutton, C. M. Dundas, N. Bardabelias, N. Baugh, J. Bergstrom, R. Beyer, K. M. Block, V. J. Bray, J. C. Bridges, M. Chojnacki, S. J. Conway, W. A. Delamere, T. Ebben, A. Espinosa, A. Fennema, J. Grant, V. C. Gulick, K. E. Herkenhoff, R. Heyd, R. Leis, L. Ojha, S. Papendick, C. Schaller, N. Thomas, L. L. Tornabene, C. Weitz, and S. A. Wilson. The high-resolution imaging science experiment (HiRISE) in the MRO extended science phases (2009–2023)', Icarus: 115795.

38. Ojha, L., Buffo, J., Journaux, B. Thermophysical assessment on the feasibility of basal melting in the south polar region of Mars. Icarus, 115772, doi:

37. Frizzell, K, Ojha, L., Karunatillake, S. Bounding the unknowns of martian crustal heat flow from a synthesis of regional geochemistry and InSight mission data. Icarus 115700.

36. Ojha, L., Mittelholz, A. Insight into the formation mechanism of the Medusae Fossae Formation on Mars from magnetic field data. Icarus, 115471, doi:


35. Ojha, L., Troncone, B., Buffo, J., Baptiste, J., McDonald, G. “Liquid Water on Cold Exo-Earths via Basal Melting of Ice Sheets.” Nat Commun 13, 7521 (2022).

34. Bates, A., Goossens, S., Lorenzo, J., Ojha, L., Hood, D., Karunatillake, S., Nawotniak, S, K.,Paladino, T (2022). Supervolcanic resurfacing in northwestern Arabia Terra, Mars. Icarus, 390, 15.

33. Wieczorek, Mark A., et al. including Ojha, L. "InSight constraints on the global character of the Martian crust." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (2022): e2022JE007298.

32. Sutton, Sarah S., et al including Ojha, L. "Revealing Active Mars with HiRISE Digital Terrain Models." Remote Sensing 14.10 (2022): 2403.

31. Black, B. A., Manga, M., Ojha, L., Longpre, M. A., Karunatillake, S., & Hlinka, L. The history of water in Martian magmas from thorium maps. Geophysical Research Letters, e2022GL098061.

30. McDonald, G.D., Méndez Harper, J., Ojha, L., Corlies, P., Dufek, J., Ewing, R.C. and Kerber, L., 2022. Aeolian sediment transport on Io from lava–frost interactions. Nature communications, 13(1), pp.1-9.. (Altmetric Overview)

29. Buffo, J. J.,Ojha, L., Meyer, C. Revisiting Subglacial Hydrology as an Origin for Mars’Valley Networks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 594, 117699,


28. Ojha, L., Karunatillake, S., Karimi, S., Buffo, J. Amagmatic hydrothermal systems on Mars from radiogenic heat. Nat Commun 12, 1754 (2021). (Editors Highlight)

27. Dundas, C.M., Mellon, M.T., Conway, S.J., Daubar, I.J., Williams, K.E., Ojha, L., Wray, J.J., Bramson, A.M., Byrne, S., McEwen, A.S. and Posiolova, L.V., 2021. Widespread exposures of extensive clean shallow ice in the midlatitudes of Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126(3), p.e2020JE006617..


26. Perrin, C and 19 other authors including Ojha, L. Monitoring of Dust Devil Tracks Around the InSight Landing Site, Mars, and Comparison With In Situ Atmospheric Data. Geophysical Research Letters 47.10 (2020): e2020GL087234. (Link)

25. Ojha, L., Karimi, S., Buffo, J., Nerozzi, S., Holt, J. W., Smrekar, S., & Chevrier, V. (2021). Martian mantle heat flow estimate from the lack of lithospheric flexure in the south pole of Mars: Implications for planetary evolution and basal melting. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(2), e2020GL091409.

24. Ojha, L., Buffo, J., Karunatillake, S., & Siegler, M. (2020). Groundwater production from geothermal heating on early Mars and implication for early martian habitability. Science advances, 6(49), eabb1669. (Link) (Altmetric Overview)

23. Huber, C., Ojha, L., Lark, L., Head J. W. Physical models and predictions for Recurring Slope Lineae formed by wet and dry processes. Icarus 335 (2020): 113385. (Link)


22. Hood, D. R., S. Karunatillake, O. Gasnault, A. J. Williams, B. Dutrow, L. Ojha, S. Kobs, K. Kim, J. Heldmann, and C. Fralick. "Contrasting regional soil alteration across the topographic dichotomy of Mars." Geophysical Research Letters 46, no. 23 (2019): 13668-13677.

21. Ojha, L., Karimi, S., Lewis K., Smrekar, S., Siegler, M. Depletion of Heat Producing Elements in the Martian Mantle. Geophysical Research Letters 46.22 (2019): 12756-12763. (Link)

20. Ojha, L., Karunatillake, S., Iacavino, K. Atmospheric Injection of Sulfur from the Medusae Fossae Formation. Planetary and Space Science (2019): 104734. (Link). 

19. Ojha, L., Nerozzi, Lewis, K. Compositional Constraints on the North Polar Cap of Mars.Geophysical Research Letters (2019), 46, 8671– 8679. (Link) (Altmetric Overview). 

18. Ojha, L., Ferrier, K., Ojha, T. Millennial-scale denudation rates in the Himalaya of Far Western Nepal. Earth Surf. Dynam., 7, 969–987, 2019. (Link)


17. Ojha, L., Lewis, K, Karunatillake, S, Schmidt, M. The Medusae Fossae Formation as the Single Largest Source of Dust on Mars. Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 2867. (Link) (Altmetric Overview). 

16. Ojha, L., & Lewis, K. The density of the Medusae Fossae Formation: Implications for its composition, origin, and importance in Martian history. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 123 (2018). (Link) (Altmetric Overview). 

15. Dundas, C.M., Bramson, A.M., Ojha, L., Wray J.J., Mellon, M.T., Byrne S., McEwen, A.S., Putzig, N.E., Viola, D., Sutton. S., Exposed subsurface ice sheets in the Martian mid-  latitudes. Science. Science 359.6372 (2018): 199-201. (Link) (Altmetric Overview).


14. Ojha, L., Chojnacki, M., Wolff, M., Shumway, A., McEwen A. S., Ferrier, K., McDonald G. D., Huber, C., Wray, J.J., Toigo, A. Seasonal Slumps in Juventae Chasma, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122.10 (2017): 2193-2214. (Link)


13. Chojnacki, M., McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Ojha, L., Urso, A. and Sutton, S., 2016. Geologic context of recurring slope lineae in Melas and Coprates Chasmata, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121(7), pp.1204-1231. (Link)

12. Komatsu, G., Okubo, C.H., Wray, J.J., Ojha, L., Cardinale, M., Murana, A., Orosei, R., Chan, M.A., Ormö, J. and Gallagher, R., 2016. Small edifice features in Chryse Planitia,Mars: Assessment of a mud volcano hypothesis.Icarus, 268, pp.56-75. (Link)

11. Karunatillake, S., Wray, J.J., Gasnault, O., McLennan, S.M., Deanne Rogers, A., Squyres, S.W., Boynton, W.V., Skok, J.R., Button, N.E. and Ojha, L., 2016. The association of hydrogen with sulfur on Mars across latitudes, longitudes, and compositional extremes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121(7), pp.1321-1341.


10. Ojha, L., Wilhelm, M.B., Murchie, S.L., McEwen, A.S., Wray, J.J., Hanley, J., Massé, M. and Chojnacki, M., 2015. Spectral evidence for hydrated salts in recurring slope lineae on Mars. Nature Geoscience, 8(11), pp.829-832.


 9. Ojha, L., McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Byrne, S., Mattson, S., Wray, J., Masse, M. and Schaefer,E.,2014. HiRISE observations of recurring slope lineae (RSL) during southern summer on Mars. Icarus, 231, pp.365-376.

8. McEwen, A.S., Dundas, C.M., Mattson, S.S., Toigo, A.D., Ojha, L., Wray, J.J., Chojnacki, M.,Byrne, S., Murchie, S.L. and Thomas, N., 2014. Recurring slope lineae in equatorial regions of Mars. Nature Geoscience,7(1), pp.53-58.

7. Karunatillake, S., Wray, J.J., Gasnault, O., McLennan, S.M., Rogers, A.D., Squyres, S.W.,Boynton, W.V., Skok, J.R., Ojha, L. and Olsen, N., 2014. Sulfates hydrating bulk soil in  the martian low and middle latitudes. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(22), pp.7987-7996.


6. Ojha, L., Wray, J.J., Murchie, S.L., McEwen, A.S., Wolff, M.J. and Karunatillake, S., 2013. Spectral constraints on the formation mechanism of recurring slope lineae. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(21), pp.5621-5626


5. Quade, J., Reiners, P., Placzek, C., Matmon, A., Pepper, M., Ojha, L. and Murray, K., 2012. Seismicity and the strange rubbing boulders of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. Geology, 40(9), pp.851-854.

4. Chao, K., Peng, Z., Fabian, A. and Ojha, L., 2012. Comparisons of triggered tremor in California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(2), pp.900-908.
3. Banks, M.E., Watters, T.R., Robinson, M.S., Tornabene, L.L., Tran, T., Ojha, L. and   Williams, N.R., 2012. Morphometric analysis of small scale lobate scarps on the Moon using data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 117(E12).
2. Caudill, C.M., Tornabene, L.L., McEwen, A.S., Byrne, S., Ojha, L. and Mattson, S., 2012. Layered MegaBlocks in the central uplifts of impact craters. Icarus, 221(2), pp.710-720.


1. McEwen, A.S., Ojha, L., Dundas, C.M., Mattson, S.S., Byrne, S., Wray, J.J., Cull, S.C., Murchie, S.L., Thomas, N. and Gulick, V.C., 2011. Seasonal flows on warm Martian slopes. Science, 333(6043), pp.740-743.